The 9 Daily Things
Do these 9 things, daily, for at least 2 weeks, and watch your life change!
Listen to The 9 Daily Things episode from The Dopeless Nation Podcast and start re-creating your life today!
- Morning prayer – “God, this is your day, I will trust you in all things, please show me what you would have me do and I will accept your answer no matter what it will be. Please grant me the strength to carry out your will for me. Amen.”
- Morning Reading & Meditation, On Awakening Pages 86‐88.
- Set aside prayer – “God, please help me set aside everything I think I know about myself, the Twelve Steps, the Big Book, the meetings, my disease, and you God, so I may have an open mind and a new experience with all these things. Please let me see the truth. Amen.”
- Write the willingness prayer‐ “God, please grant me the willingness to do the work of the 12 steps so I may be better able to do your bidding. Amen.”
- Don’t hurt anyone (throughout the day) – dishonesty, cheating, stealing, hurtful comments etc.
- Go to a meeting.
- Help someone in recovery, phone, service, etc. etc. (it’s not about you)
- Step work assignment. (wherever you are in the work)
- Nightly prayer, giving thanks for your day.
Listen to The Dopeless Nation Podcast now!